Saturday, October 31, 2015

Pre-Workout Snack

Getting the proper nutrients into you body before a workout is very crucial. Proper nutrients help give your body the energy it needs during the workout so you could preform at your best. You should intake a small snack consisting of complex and simple carbs an hour before along with some fruits.  Doing so, the release of energy is slow throughout the whole routine. A recommended meal would be a slice of whole-wheat toast with peanut or almond butter, topped off with a banana. The complex carbs will give you the endurance you need for a longer period of time, and the fruits will add that extra kick. Fruits like bananas and figs are highly suggested to eat before a workout due to their high level of potassium that people loose when they sweat.  Adding cinnamon to the snack will also benefit you during the workout as it has been proven that the spice will stabilize blood sugar and improve brain function.

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