Sunday, October 18, 2015

Proper After-Workout Nutrition

When ever you workout you always have to make sure you get the appropriate nutrients for your body, in a post-workout meal. Your muscles store extra energy in a form of glycogen and when you workout the body breaks down the glycogen for energy. So, it is important to consume a nutrient dense meal, or else your body starts to break down the muscle in an attempt to replenish the nutrients and energy that you lost. As a result your protein level drops and the body isn’t able to function properly. Do to this, it is important to consume a protein packed meal (not a protein shake, but real food like chicken) with some carbohydrates. Your body needs about 20 grams of protein after a workout so the cells and tissue in your muscles can function. You need carbohydrates because when you work out, you lose a lot of energy, so as a result they help replace the muscle glycogen you lost during the workout. Next time you exercise make sure to eat appropriately, so the body can function properly.


  1. That is very interesting, I like how you explained why the body needs protein. Great job!

  2. Great info! I will follow your advice.
