Sunday, October 4, 2015

Battle ropes

Have you ever walked into a gym and seen a long, big rope just lying around? Well, that's a battle rope. Battle ropes are 40 to 50 foot long ropes that you can perform multitudes of workouts with. These ropes increase your strength and endurance. Doing the battle ropes you burn just as many calories as you would in a sprint workout. Your arms, legs, heart, and lunges all get an intense workout with these amazing ropes. To do a great battle rope workout you want to do a move for 20 to 30 seconds and then rest for the same amount of time. Do this for 15 to 20 minuets and you will get an amazing workout.
Some exercises that you can do are:  
alternating arms

double arm slam

circles out and in (they are the same, for one you circle counterclockwise and for the other you circle clockwise)

jumping jacks

hip toss (alternate sides, left to right)


  1. Great blog Allison! I will try that with my brother! Thanks a bunch!

  2. I'm going to try this sometime!
    Great blog!
