Thursday, March 31, 2016

Flexibility and Stretching

Being flexible is crucial to your health and well-being. In order to preform everyday activities with ease you must have good flexibility, otherwise these activities become more difficult to preform. Doing flexibility training helps assist in your posture, which can lower your amount stress and increase the strength of all joint movements. Especially, when it comes to sports, athletes must have good flexibility to reduce the risk of injury. Being flexible can also help improve an athlete’s aerobic and muscular ability. If muscles are tight and have knots in them your joints will have a smaller range of movement, therefor lowering your ability to preform at a higher level of competition. Even if you are already flexible I still suggest for you to stretch daily, as this will improve your blood circulation, which will lead to a healthier heart and better cardiovascular function.  Stretching will also distribute new blood to the brain, which will lighten your mood and allow stress to roll of your body and mind.

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