Sunday, April 17, 2016

Best Ab Exercise

There are many exercises that you can do in order to get a flat toned stomach with visible muscles. But, the overall best move for the abs is the plank. This exercise works your whole entire core without hurting you spine or back. Your upper abs, lower abs, obliques, hips, and back are all targeted with this one exercise. The one thing that makes the plank so special, is that there are many different ways of doing this exercise. You can do forearm planks, straight-arm planks, dolphin planks, spider man planks, and many more. The best way of burning the most amount of fat while still working the muscles is doing an HIIT plank workout. An HIIT plank workout is where you incorporate cardio moves with a variety of plank moves. This combination will burn calories and leave your abs feeling sore the very next day.

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