Thursday, March 31, 2016

Flexibility and Stretching

Being flexible is crucial to your health and well-being. In order to preform everyday activities with ease you must have good flexibility, otherwise these activities become more difficult to preform. Doing flexibility training helps assist in your posture, which can lower your amount stress and increase the strength of all joint movements. Especially, when it comes to sports, athletes must have good flexibility to reduce the risk of injury. Being flexible can also help improve an athlete’s aerobic and muscular ability. If muscles are tight and have knots in them your joints will have a smaller range of movement, therefor lowering your ability to preform at a higher level of competition. Even if you are already flexible I still suggest for you to stretch daily, as this will improve your blood circulation, which will lead to a healthier heart and better cardiovascular function.  Stretching will also distribute new blood to the brain, which will lighten your mood and allow stress to roll of your body and mind.

Thursday, March 24, 2016

What Should You Consume During A Workout

If you are an athlete that trains over three hours per session, you need to consume additional fuel during your workouts. Eating a solid pre workout snack isn’t enough to give your body enough fuel and energy to last a rigorous, long session. Of course, if you are just doing an hour workout at the gym, you don’t burn enough calories for your body to require extra nutrients. Just drinking Gatorade while you’re at the gym is enough to keep your body moving and energized. On the other hand, those who spend they whole day training should consume intra-workout cocktails, or protein powder. This drink should include water, electrolytes, hydrolyzed protein, and carbohydrates. This cocktail will give your body the fuel and energy it needs so you can preform at your best for a longer period of time.

Friday, March 18, 2016

Worst Abdominal Exercises

Getting a six pack can be hard and difficult. Especially, when there are many well-known abdominal exercises that can only cause weakness and injuries. One of the worst exercises is the sit-up. This move only works one small muscle group, and if you do enough of them it will cause imbalances in the muscles and create a hunched forward motion. Another bad abdominal exercise is the double leg raise. This move can create and hurt a bad back. This move puts a lot of stress on the hip flexor muscles, which causes you to pull the front of the lumbar vertebrae comprising the segments and shearing them forward. The Russian twist also grinds down your lumbar vertebrae that can wear down your joints increasing back pain. Lastly, the side bend with weights is one of the most inefficient abdominal exercises. People assume that by doing this movement they are getting rid of “love handles” but instead they are just developing a crushing force on the adjacent side of the vertebrae.