Sunday, February 28, 2016

Increase Your Speed

Speed is valuable at any level of competitive athletics. Improving your agility and quickness can be done with a few drills and exercises. Sprints are the best way to improve speed.  The start is the most crucial part of a sprint. To practice your starting position, you can do wall dives. To do a wall dive, stand in front of the wall in a two-point stance. Explode into the wall driving your front knee up to the hip height. Another exercise you can preform is the sled drag. For this exercise the weight of the sled should be close to your max squat weight. When doing this drill, be sure to drive your knees up and keep your body weight forward. Lastly, you should develop the isometric and eccentric hamstring strength by doing bent-knee hip thrusts on a ball or bench. This exercise will help your quickness by keeping the knee joints stable as force transports from the hips. Do these exercises consistently for a couple of weeks and you will see great improvements in your speed.

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