Sunday, February 28, 2016

Exercising in the Water Benefits

Exercising in water 2 to 3 times a week has many benefits, particularly if you are recovering, or have an injury. Do to the buoyancy water provides you with ability to do exercises that otherwise would hurt your knees and joints on land. Do to this you can stay in shape without pounding or irritating your joints. Water also provides a consistent resistance to every movement. About 12%-14% more resistance is added to your actions than when you workout on land. Water workouts will improve flexibility and strength, while building up endurance.  It will increase muscular flexibility and balance. Exercising in water can also improve your ability to control and maintain a good, healthy weight, while improving your physique. Especially if it is hot outside, exercising in water will cool the body continuously so you don’t get overheated.

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