Saturday, September 12, 2015

HIIT Training

HIIT training, also known as high intensity interval training, is one of the best ways to get maximum calorie burn in the shortest amount of time. Just 30 minutes of HIIT training is better than spending an hour on the treadmill at the gym. HIIT training gets your heart rate up by doing short bursts of intensive movements which are better than longer workouts of low intensity exercises. A workout should consist of intervals of intensive exercises and short recovery breaks. By doing this, you are able to give your full effort, but still maintain quality. Even after you're done with the workout your body will still continue to burn fat due to not enough oxygen consumption during the high intensity exercises. Therefore, your muscles still need to consume oxygen that has to be re-paid post workout.  Here's an example of a HIIT workout that you can do at home with nothing more than your body, or you can just incorporate a few high intensity exercises into your daily workout for your advantage. (1o second break between exercises, you want to be able to catch your breath but not recover fully to increase endurance and get more calorie burn). 

Warm-up (repeat 2)                             Workout                    
30 jumping jacks                                 15 burpees
1 minute jog in place                           20 jumping lunges              
15 touch toes                                       1 minute high knees
30 jumping jacks                                 25 jump squats
20 arm swings                                     15 push-ups                                
1 minute jog in place                           30 seconds mountain climbers    
20 trunk twists                                     20 bicycle crunches                                    
                                                            20 plea squats
                                                            15 burpees
                                                            15 push-ups
                                                            30 seconds scissor kicks
                                                            1 minute mountain climbers


  1. This is so intense! I'm going to try this sometime.

  2. wow, it was very interesting to read about HIIT. I never knew what it is and all benefits:) I definetlly will try to do the workout. Thank you so much for such a great information.

  3. Very interesting! I'm going to have to try it someday!

  4. Ok. I need pictures of some of these exercises. A "burpee"? I got rid of those with my kids' bottles. (I crack myself up.) Seriously, what a burpee?

    1. To do a burpee you begin in a standing position, then squat down with your arms on the ground, jump your feet back into a plank and do a pushup,after the pushup immediately jump back into the squat position, stand up and do a jump(that is one burpee)

    2. I just finished your workout. It is intense! I'm still dripping sweat!

  5. Very interesting. I might even try to do this.

  6. I'm sweating while reading this! I'll try this sometime!
