Sunday, September 27, 2015

Core Workout

If you want to do a great core workout you can’t just do crunches and mat work. To really sculpt the core you have to incorporate stand up and HIIT exercises, which I talked about in my previous blog, to be able to get the best out of your workout. The following workout is just one of many that you can do at home.

30 jumping jacks
10 standing jack knives (alternating legs, folding in the center)
15 bent knee leg raises (lay down, bend the knees and lift the lower back off of the mat using your core)
30 russian twists (lay down on the floor,  lift your body and legs off of the ground and bend the legs, twist your core to the right side until your hands touch the ground, then twist to the left)
1 minute plank
1 minute rest
10 burpees
15 side crunches on each side (lay on your side, bring the upper leg and your upper arm together folding in the center)
30 seconds scissor kicks abs (lay on your back, lift your legs a foot of the ground, and make small rapid scissor like motions)
15 heel touches (position yourself like you’re about to do a crunch with your hands by your side, then alternate touching your heels with your palms.)
30 bicycle crunches (lay on your back with your hands behind your head, lift the right leg and touch the knee to your left elbow, alternate sides and keep your feet off of the ground)
20 plank jacks (hold a plank, and add a jumping jack motion with your feet)
15 super mans (laying on your stomach, lift the arms and legs off of the ground at the same time and then come back down…try to lift your body as high off of the ground as possible)


Saturday, September 12, 2015

HIIT Training

HIIT training, also known as high intensity interval training, is one of the best ways to get maximum calorie burn in the shortest amount of time. Just 30 minutes of HIIT training is better than spending an hour on the treadmill at the gym. HIIT training gets your heart rate up by doing short bursts of intensive movements which are better than longer workouts of low intensity exercises. A workout should consist of intervals of intensive exercises and short recovery breaks. By doing this, you are able to give your full effort, but still maintain quality. Even after you're done with the workout your body will still continue to burn fat due to not enough oxygen consumption during the high intensity exercises. Therefore, your muscles still need to consume oxygen that has to be re-paid post workout.  Here's an example of a HIIT workout that you can do at home with nothing more than your body, or you can just incorporate a few high intensity exercises into your daily workout for your advantage. (1o second break between exercises, you want to be able to catch your breath but not recover fully to increase endurance and get more calorie burn). 

Warm-up (repeat 2)                             Workout                    
30 jumping jacks                                 15 burpees
1 minute jog in place                           20 jumping lunges              
15 touch toes                                       1 minute high knees
30 jumping jacks                                 25 jump squats
20 arm swings                                     15 push-ups                                
1 minute jog in place                           30 seconds mountain climbers    
20 trunk twists                                     20 bicycle crunches                                    
                                                            20 plea squats
                                                            15 burpees
                                                            15 push-ups
                                                            30 seconds scissor kicks
                                                            1 minute mountain climbers